oowkey!! 3 posts in a row!!
sebenernye tdnya mo post 2 aja tp gr2 baru nonton r2 episode terakhir y jdlah gw cukup excited buat ngepost 1 lg ttg ini.
buat yg dah nonton season 1 tp blom nonton r2 gw sangat sarankan minta filenya ke gw skrg!!
da r2 ini wajib-segera-nonton klo lu dah nonton season 1.
buat yg blum nonton code geass gw sangat sarankan mulai tonton dr skrg!!
coz anime ini sungguh-maha-dashyat-sekali, lain dr anime2 standar kebanyakan. dengan plot twist yg bener2 bisa bikin lu guling2 di lantai sampai character development yg kental bgt seiring alur storyline yg bener2 ga bisa ditebak. thrilling dr awal ampe akhir deh.
really and trully recommended anime to watch..
well, in my personal opinion *SPOILER ALERT*
it's really.. something, how lelouch (the main char) struggling to create a future for mankind, even sacrificing his own entity, redeemed himself to the lowest level possible of sin and hatred.
i personally think that he's one of the best anime character ever, surpasses :
- kira yamato (GSD) in terms of uniqueness and likability
- yagami light (death note) in terms of personal determination and brains
- lockon stratos (g00) in terms of leadership and.. coolness??
well, the show's finally over.. it's time to close the code geass storybook.
i'll miss the times when i have a new r2 episode to look forward to every monday.
oiya, tp ttp deng toh mulai minggu dpn ada gundam00 season 2.
sama aja nungguin episode baru tiap minggu. huahaha... salam.
CC : "Lelouch.. Do you know why the snow is white?... Because it forgot what colour it was"